Featured publications


Otolith Atlas of Taiwan Fishes

Chien-Hsiang Lin, Chih-Wei Chang 2012. 

National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium, Pingtung. PDF

Deep-sea fossils reveal cyclic fluctuations in fish community structure

Chien-Hsiang Lin, Chih-Lin Wei, Sze Ling Ho, Li Lo, 2023. 

Science Advances. PDF

(A) Journal papers (*Corresponding author, §Lab member/Student)


Hsu, C.-H.§, Lin, J.-P.*, Lin, C.-H.*, in press. A spatangoid echinoid assemblage from the Gutingkeng Formation (Early Pleistocene) of Taiwan and its paleoenvironmental and geological implications. Geobios.

Ng, S.-L.§, Liu, H.-W.§, Mediodia, D.P.§, Lin, Y.-T.§, Lee, C.-H.§, Huang, S.-P., Wu, S.-M.§, Lin, C.-F.§, Tung, C.-R., Ho, H-C.*, Lin, C.-H.*, in press. An updated checklist of fishes of Dongsha Island, Taiwan, northern South China Sea. Zookeys.

Fan, Y.-C.§, Su, Y., Lin, C.-H., Chang, C.-W., Lin, H.-C.*, in press. Polymixia melanostoma, a new beardfish from the western Pacific (Teleostei: Polymixiiformes: Polymixiidae). Zookeys.

Mediodia, D.P.§, Castro, A., Tablizo, M., Policarpio, D., Calvelo, J., Baguio, J.P., Borja II, A., Lin, C.-H.*, Fernando, A.G.*, 2024. Paleoichthyology in the Philippines: A review of Cenozoic fish fossils with insights on its current status and future opportunities. Geobios. DOI: 10.1016/j.geobios.2024.02.006 PDF

Lin, C.-H.*, Steurbaut, E., Nolf, D., 2024. Early Eocene fish otoliths from the eastern and southern USA. European Journal of Taxonomy 935: 203–240. DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2024.935.2557 PDF

Přikryl, T.#, Lin, C.-H.#,*, Hsu, C.-H.§, Lee, S.-W., 2024. New acropomatiform fossils from the Upper Kueichulin Formation (Lower Pliocene), northern Taiwan. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia 130(2): 211–229. DOI: 10.54103/2039-4942/22639 (#Equal first author) PDF 

Mediodia, D.P.§, Chang, C.-H., Ho, H.-C., Přikryl, T., Lin, C.-H.*, 2024. A new cryptic species of splitfin fish from Taiwan with revision of the genus Synagrops (Acropomatiformes: Synagropidae). Zoological Studies 63: 20. DOI: 10.6620/ZS.2024.63-20 PDF

Kocsis, L.*, Lin, C.-H., Bernard, E., Johari, A., 2024. Late Miocene teleost fish otoliths from Brunei Darussalam (Borneo) and their implications for palaeoecology and palaeoenvironmental conditions. Historical Biology. DOI: 10.1080/08912963.2023.2271489 PDF

Mitsui, S.*, Lin, C.-H., Taru, H., Shibata, K., 2024. Fish otolith record reveals possible tropical-subtropical fish community in temperate Japan during the exceptionally warm Last Interglacial period. Historical Biology 36(5): 1007–1027. DOI: 10.1080/08912963.2023.2201933 PDF


Wu, S.-M.§, Worthy, T.H., Chuang, C.-K., Lin, C.-H.*, 2023. New Pleistocene bird fossils in Taiwan reveal unexpected seabirds in East Asia. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 68 (4): 613–624. DOI: 10.4202/app.01091.2023 PDF

Ho, H.-C., Su, Y., Lin, C.-H., Chu, T.-W.*, 2023. Record of the Amarsipa fish (Family Amarsipidae) from Pratas Island, South China Sea. Zootaxa 5380 (3): 289–294. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5380.3.6 PDF

Ng, S.-L.§, Lin, C.-H., Liu, K.-M., Joung, S.-J.*, 2023. New records of three mesopelagic fish species from Southwestern Taiwan. Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences. DOI: 10.1007/s41208-023-00614-w PDF

Lin, C.-H.*, Wu, S.-M.§, Lin, C.-Y.§, Chien, C.-W., 2023. Early Pliocene otolith assemblages from the outer-shelf environment reveal the establishment of mesopelagic fish fauna over 3 million years ago in southwestern Taiwan. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology 142: 23. DOI: 10.1186/s13358-023-00288-0 PDF

Su, Y., Lin, C.-H., Ho, H.-C.*, 2023. Redescription of the hispidoberycid, Hispidoberyx ambagiosus Kotlyar, 1981 from Taiwan, with comments on its morphology (Beryciformes, Stephanoberycoidei, Hispidoberycidae). Zookeys 1182: 19–34. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.1182.111296 PDF

Lin, C.-H.*, Wei, C.-L., Ho, S.L., Lo, L.*, 2023. Ocean temperature drove changes in the mesopelagic fish community at the edge of the Pacific Warm Pool over the past 460,000 years. Science Advances 9: 27, eadf0656. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adf0656 PDF


Dillon, E.M.*, Pier, J.Q., Smith, J.A.*, Raja, N.B., Dimitrijević, D., Austin, E.L., Cybulski, J.D., De Entrambasaguas, J., Durham, S.R., C., Grether, C., Haldar, H., Kocáková, K., Lin, C.-H., Mazzini, I., Mychajliw, A.M., Ollendorf, A.L., Pimiento, C., Regalado Fernandez, O.R., Smith, I.E., Dietl, G.P., 2022. What is conservation paleobiology? Tracking 20 years of research and development. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10: 1031483. DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2022.1031483 PDF

Lin, C.-Y.#,§, Lin, C.-H.#,*, Shimada, K., 2022. A previously overlooked, highly diverse early Pleistocene elasmobranch assemblage from southern Taiwan. PeerJ 10: e14190. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.14190 PDF (#Equal first author)

Ho, H.-C., Lin, C.-H.*, 2022. Redescription of Lophiodes lugubris (Alcock 1894), with the largest record of Lophiodes triradiatus (Lloyd 1909) from the South China Sea (Lophiiformes: Lophiidae). Zootaxa 5189(1): 138–145. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5189.1.16 PDF

Lin, C.-H.*, Ou, H.-Y.§, Lin, C.-Y.§, Chen, H.-M., 2022. First skeletal fossil record of the red seabream Pagrus major (Sparidae, Perciformes) from the Late Pleistocene of subtropical West Pacific, southern Taiwan. Zoological Studies 61: 10. DOI: 10.6620/ZS.2022.61-10 PDF 

Lin, C.-H.*, Nolf, D., 2022. Middle and late Eocene fish otoliths from the eastern and southern USA. European Journal of Taxonomy 814(1): 1–122. DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2022.814.1745 PDF

Lin, C.-H.*, Wang, Y-C.§, Ribas-Deulofeu, L.§, Chang, C.-W., Li, K.-T., 2022. Changes in marine resource consumption over the past 5000 years in southwestern Taiwan revealed by fish otoliths. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 42: 103400. DOI: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2022.103400 PDF

Lin, C.-H.*, Chien, C.-W., 2022. Late Miocene otoliths from northern Taiwan: insights into the rarely known Neogene coastal fish community of the subtropical northwest Pacific. Historical Biology 34(2): 361–382. DOI: 10.1080/08912963.2021.1916012 PDF


Lin, J.-P.*, Lin, C.-H., Chu, W.-C., Chang, C.-H., 2021. Introduction to the special issue on new advances on stratigraphy and paleontology in Taiwan. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 32: 1047–1050. DOI: 10.3319/TAO.2021.12.29.01 PDF

Ribas-Deulofeu, L.§, Wang, Y.-C.§, Lin, C.-H.*, 2021. First record of Late Miocene Dendrophyllia de Blainville, 1830 (Scleractinia: Dendrophylliidae) in Taiwan. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 32: 1061–1068. DOI: 10.3319/TAO.2021.09.13.02 PDF

Kang, J.-C.§, Lin, C.-H.*, Chang, C.-H.*, 2021. Age and growth of Palaeoloxodon huaihoensis from Penghu Channel, Taiwan: significance of their age distribution based on fossils. PeerJ 9: e11236. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.11236 PDF

Mitsui, S.*, Taru, H., Ohe, F., Lin, C.-H., Strüssmann, C.A., 2021. Fossil fish otoliths from the Chibanian Miyata Formation, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, with comments on the paleoenvironment. Geobios 64: 47–63. DOI: 10.1016/j.geobios.2020.11.003 PDF

Heard, J., Tung, W.-C., Pei, Y.-D., Lin, T.-H., Lin, C.-H., Akamatsu, T., Wen, Colin K.-C.*, 2021. Coastal development threatens Datan area supporting greatest fish diversity at Taoyuan Algal Reef, northwestern Taiwan. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31: 590–604. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3477 PDF

Lin, C.-H.*, Chien, C.-W., Lee, S.-W., Chang, C.-W.*, 2021. Fish fossils of Taiwan: a review and prospection. Historical Biology 33(9): 1362–1372. DOI: 10.1080/08912963.2019.1698563 PDF


Lin, C.-H., Lin, J.-S., Chen, K.-S., Chen, M.-H., Chen, C.-Y., Chang, C.-W.*, 2020. Feeding habits of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the western Indian Ocean reveal a size-related shift in its fine-scale piscivorous diet. Frontiers in Marine Science 7: 582571. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2020.582571 PDF

Lin, C.-H.*, De Gracia, B., Pierotti, M.E.R., Andrews, A.H., Griswold, K., O’Dea, A., 2019. Reconstructing reef fish communities using fish otoliths in coral reef sediments. PLoS ONE 14(6): e0218413. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0218413 PDF

Lin, C.-H., Wang, L.-C., Wang, C.-H., Chang, C.-W.*, 2018. Common early Pleistocene fish otoliths from Niubu in Chia-Yi County, southwestern Taiwan. Journal of the National Taiwan Museum 71(3): 47–68. DOI: 10.6532/JNTM.201809_71(3).04 PDF

Lin, C.-H.*, Chiang, Y.-P., Tuset, V.M., Lombarte, A., Girone, A., 2018. Late Quaternary to Recent diversity of fish otoliths from the Red Sea, central Mediterranean, and NE Atlantic sea bottoms. Geobios 51: 335–358. DOI: 10.1016/j.geobios.2018.06.002 PDF

Lin, C.-H.*, Brzobohatý, R., Nolf, D., Girone, A., 2017. Tortonian teleost otoliths from northern Italy: taxonomic synthesis and stratigraphic significance. European Journal of Taxonomy 322: 1–44. DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2017.322 PDF

Lin, C.-H.*, Nolf, D., Steurbaut, E., Girone, A., 2017. Fish otoliths from the Lutetian of the Aquitaine Basin (SW France), a breakthrough in the knowledge of the European Eocene ichthyofauna. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 15(11): 879–907. DOI: 10.1080/14772019.2016.1246112 PDF

Lin, C.-H.*, Taviani, M., Angeletti, L., Girone, A., Nolf, D., 2017. Fish otoliths in superficial sediments of the Mediterranean Sea. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 471: 134–143. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.12.050 PDF

Lin, C.-H.*, Girone, A., Nolf, D., 2016. Fish otolith assemblages from Recent NE Atlantic sea bottoms: A comparative study of palaeoecology. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 446: 98–107. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.01.022 PDF

Lin, C.-H.*, Girone, A., Nolf, D., 2015. Tortonian fish otoliths from turbiditic deposits in Northern Italy: Taxonomic and stratigraphic significance. Geobios 48: 249–261. DOI: 10.1016/j.geobios.2015.03.003 PDF

Lin, C.-H., Li, K.-T.*, Chang, C.-W.*, 2013. Identification of Pomadasys species (Pisces, Haemulidae) from an archaeological midden site in Nankuanli East (Taiwan), based on otolith morphology. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 61(1): 293–302. PDF

Lin, C.-H.*, 2010. Study of Uranoscopidae otolith morphology from Da-si, Yi-lan County. Journal of National Taiwan Museum 63(2): 17–29. PDF

(B) Manuscripts in review

Lin, C.-H.*, Lin, T.-Y., Nazir, A., Wang, Y.-C., Wang, P.-L., Iizuka, Y., Li, K.-T., Chung, M.-T., Shiao, J.-C.*. Evidence of lower age, fast growth, and shrinking habitat in the critically endangered croaker fish Larimichthys crocea. In review.

Přikryl, T.#, Castro, A.#, Fernando, A.G., Nogot, J.R.C., Magtoto, C., Garas, K., Lin, C.-H.*. Fossil fish assemblage of the Laguna Formation, Philippines: Unveiling the uniqueness of Pleistocene freshwater ecosystems in Southeast Asia. In review. (#Equal first author)

Pallacks, S.*, Ziveri, P., Jannke, H., Lin, C.-H., Subhas, A., Galbraith, E., Kaboth-Bahr, S., Friedrich, O., Bahr, A., Koutsodendris, A., Pross, J., Norris, R. Ocean deoxygenation linked to ancient mesopelagic fish decline. In review.

Lin, Y.-T.§, Lin, C.-H.*, Han, Y.-S.*. First record of the intermediate scabbardfish Aphanopus intermedius (Scombriformes: Trichiuridae) from South China Sea. In review.

Smith, J.A.*, ..., Lin, C.-H., ..., Kiessling, W. Big questions in paleontology: A community-driven project to motivate new insights about the history of life on Earth. In review.

O'Dea, A.*, Dillon, E.M., Brandl, S.J., Cramer, K., Cybulski, J.D., De Gracia, B., García-Méndez, K., Griswold, K., Lin, C.-H., Leray, M., Lueders-Dumont, J.A., Sellers, A.J., Wake, T.A. The cascading effects of predator loss on Caribbean reefs revealed through prehistoric archives. In review.

Osipova, D.S.§, Lee, H.*, Lin, C.-H.*. Family Veneridae (Mollusca: Bivalvia) from Szekou Formation, Southern Taiwan. In review.

Li, M.-T., Shiao, J.-C., Lin, C.-H., Wang, P.-L., Chung, M.-T.*. Age-based δ15N and δ13C values of otolith organic matter reveal the inter- and intraspecific trophic partition in marine fishes. In review.

(C) Selected conference papers (*Corresponding author)

Lin, C.-H.*, 2023. Exploring the fish palaeobiodiversity of the Indo-West Pacific and is possible connection with the ancient European ichthyofaunas (Keynote Oral). XVII European Congress of Ichthyology, Pargue, 4-8 Sep.

Lin, C.-H.*, Přikryl, T., Lee, S.-W., 2023. New acropomatid fossils (Acropomatidae) from the early Pliocene of upper Kueichulin Formation, northern Taiwan (Poster). XVII European Congress of Ichthyology, Pargue, 4-8 Sep.

Lin, C.-H.*, 2023. Exploring the potential fish fossils in Taiwan to uncover the biodiversity and evolutionary history of the Indo-West Pacific region (Oral). 2nd Asian Palaeontological Congress, Tokyo, Japan, 3-7 Aug.

Lin, C.-H.*, Wei, C.-L., Ho, S.L., Lo, L., 2022. Two temperature gradients regulate abundance and diversity of mesopelagic fish community in the Pacific Warm Pool over the past 460-kyr (Oral). 6th International Palaeontological Congress, Khon Kaen, Thailand, 7-11 Nov.

(D) Books, technical reports, and popular science articles


林千翔,2023嘉義牛埔軟骨魚化石群聚 再現更新世大白鯊生態環境。環境資訊中心Link

林千翔,2022。出發!搭乘魚耳「石」光機 —— 開箱中研院「海洋古生物實驗室」。中研院院訊特刊-06Link

林千翔,2021從台灣魚類耳石化石研究 談海洋生物多樣性的變動與困境。環境資訊中心Link


林千翔,2020。我能當分類學家嗎?會面臨什麼挑戰?科學月刊(Science Monthly),608期第50–53頁。Link

林千翔,2019。沉積物中的時空膠囊─魚類耳石。科學月刊(Science Monthly),591期第46–51頁 Link

Lin, C.-H., 2016. Fish otolith assemblages in Recent sea bottoms and in ancient (Eocene and Miocene) fossiliferous deposits: a comparative study of taxonomy and paleoecology. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Bari, Italy, 164 pp. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25003.85283 PDF

Lin, C.-H., Chang, C.-W., 2012. Otolith Atlas of Taiwan Fishes. National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium, Pingtung, 416 pp. PDF


Lin, C.-H., 2010. Morphology of Otolith of Living and Fossil fishes from Taiwan. Master thesis. National Taiwan University, Taipei, 207 pp. PDF