Principal Investigator

Chien-Hsiang LIN 林千翔

I am an associate research fellow at the Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica (BRCAS), Taipei, Taiwan. I was a postdoctoral fellow at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama. I obtained my PhD from the University of Bari in Italy in 2017. I am interested in a researcher position where I can utilize my knowledge in taxonomy, marine ecology,  paleontology, and conservation paleobiology.

As a paleoecologist, I primarily study fish otoliths to answer their taxonomic and ecological questions. Much of my current work focuses on conservation paleobiology. I use sea bottom materials as a study system and aim to understand how fish communities have changed over time in the latest fossil record. I also work on deep time fossil otoliths to address their paleoecological, biogeographical and evolutionary aspects.

Click here for my current CV and here for my blog. 

Lab Manager

Hsin-Wei LIU 劉馨薇 

Hsin-Wei is responsible for all the fieldwork activities and research events in the lab. In addition, she manages workshops, research expeditions and helps to process and curate the fossil samples. 

She also helps with our administrative work, managing personnel and funding

Research Assistants

Siao-Man WU 吳筱曼

Siao-Man has a biological background and received her master's degrees in NTHU and LMU (Munich). As a bird lover, she worked on avian evolution using specimens of Archaeopteryx in Germany.

She has a broad interest in natural history and will be studying fish fossils in the lab.

Chieh-Hsuan LEE 李倢璇

Chieh-Hsuan, who received her master’s degree from James Cook University (Australia), possesses a robust foundation in marine biology and field ecology.

Within our lab, she is engaged in the geochemical facet of the NSTC project. Her work involves the application of trace element analysis and strontium isotope analysis to study fish fossils.